================ Silicon Labs Peripheral Library ============================ This directory, "EMLIB", contains the Silicon Labs Peripheral Support library for the EFM32, EZR32 and EFR32 microcontrollers and System-On-Chip devices. Some design guidelines for this library: * Follow the guidelines established by ARM's and Silicon Labs's adaptation of the CMSIS (see below) standard. * Be usable as a starting point for developing richer, more target specific functionality (i.e. copy and modify further). * Ability to be used as a standalone software component, to be used by other drivers, that should cover "the most common cases". * Readability of the code and usability preferred before optimization for speed and size or covering a particular "narrow" purpose. * As little "cross-dependency" between modules as possible, to enable users to pick and choose what they want. ================ About CMSIS ================================================ These APIs are based on CMSIS Device header file structure. As a result of this, the library requires basic C99-support. You might have to enable C99 support in your compiler. Comments are in doxygen compatible format. The CMSIS Device library contains all peripheral module registers and bit field descriptors. For more information about CMSIS see http://www.onarm.com http://www.arm.com/products/CPUs/CMSIS.html The requirements for using CMSIS also apply to this package. ================ File structure ============================================== inc/ - header files src/ - source files ================ Software documentation and updates ========================== Silicon Labs continually works to provide updated and improved example code, header files, other software and documentation. Please check http://www.silabs.com/support/pages/document-library.aspx?p=MCUs--32-bit or Simplicity Studio for the latest content. If you download and install the Simplicity Studio package, you can easily keep up-to-date with the latest Silicon Labs software releases and documentation. To download Simplicity Studio, please visit https://www.silabs.com/products/development-tools/software/simplicity-studio ==============================================================================